Friday, July 11, 2008


It has been said that…
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.

Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.

Education will not; The world Is full of educated derelicts.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

But, persistence and determination in what direction? In other words which direction is best for you?

It also has been said “that it is easer to get some place if you know where you are going.”

That’s why all successful people have or have had a coach or mentor to give them proper direction and keep them on the right track.
One stop, everything you
need to know about internet
marketing, step by step.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Quitting Smoking

There was a study done some years ago that proved true. It said that the vast majority of people who quit smoking for nine months, were successful in becoming none smokers for life. So if you are thinking about quitting smoking or have quit recently, then that should be your goal, a target to shoot for. Also it takes 11 days to get the nicotine out of your system. So the first goal is 11 days and then nine months.

Your Friend

Christen Violette Cht

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


There was this man hiking in the mountains, he tripped and fell right off the ledge.There was a branch he grabbed onto and found himself daggling. He looked up and it was straight up.
He looked down and it was straight down.
So he started hollering. HELLO IS THERE ANYONE UP THERE.
HELP, HELP, HELP.CAN SOMEONE HELP ME. All of the sudden he hears this loud booming voice say:
DO YOU BELIEVE. He says what? DO YOU BELIEVE? He says oh yes I believe please help me. The voice says:
DO YOU REALLY BEIEVE? The man says oh yes I really believe, please help me. The voice says:
IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE, LET GO. The man says: say what?
The man says: is there some else up there I can talk to?
It is amazing how many people feel this exact way when they are asked to surrender the past.
No matter how bad it is for them, they have lived it for so long they fear that if they let go something terrible will happen.
In reality once I convince them to let go, they actually feel a sense of freedom.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Scientific study shows cells age faster from stress.

Scientists have identified the first direct link between stress and aging. At the tip of each cell is a telomere. It is likened to the plastic tip on a shoe lace. Each time the cells reproduce the telomeres become shorter. The report, published in the current issue of Proceedings of the national academy of Sciences, found that the cells of women under stress had undergone the equivalent of 10 years of additional aging compared to women living normal lives.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


There’s an old saying “When you start to climb the latter of success, the hardest part is getting through the crowd at the bottom.” And some of that crowd can be in your own mind.

I’m reminded of an interview I saw on TV some time ago. I can’t even remember the names. It was about this man who had been a failure all his life up into his fifties and he had found away to become a millionaire. He was asked what changed what got him started? And he said, you know I just got up one morning and I was standing their looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and I put the cap back on the tooth paste and I started.

In my practice as a clinical hypnotherapist I have had numerous people of all different ages say to me: I wonder if it’s to late for me to change.

Just remember, it’s never to late.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I’ve been sitting on the sidelines because I got a bad case of shingles on the right side of my head, forehead and eye lid. Believe me I tried every thing. One of my problems is I am very sensitive to drugs the side effects are worse than the pain. So I was always trying something different. After going through all kinds of pain and agony the pain finally subsided and then the itching started. Every day about 5 pm it would start and keep me up all night. Again I was trying everything that was supposed to help but it all just gave temporary relief and it would wake me up again.

I was keeping my wife up all night with my moaning, even though I was sleeping in another room she could hear me. Finally My wife’s doctor of alternative medicine prescribed what is called Gabapentin 400 MG capsules. And it worked. It took the itching away. It’s for pain also. So if you or someone you know has the shingles, you might have them talk to their doctor about it. The consensus of opinion was that it was brought about by stress which lowered my immune system. So I’ve been taking a lot of Vitamin C, E, Selenium and B complex.

I am now going through what they call the neuralgia stage so I am still taking the capsules. I finally started doing my self hypnosis again and I am feeling much better. It’s amazing, here I am a clinical hypnotherapst and I still fell into the trap of letting life run me. I am a great believer in mastering life and living. But this shingles thing came out of the blue the pain and itching was so bad I lost it. I felt blind sided. I got into martyrism, self pity, self indulgence, feeling futile and depressed. These kinds of feelings never magnetize anything good. Fortunately I caught it in time and now I’m back on track

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Societies Cancor

In the early fifties I read a book by Dr. Karl Menninger called "Love Against Hate". He said that babies were not bouncing bundles of joy but potential pounds of Dynamite that can grow up and destroy others and themselves. That was over 50 years ago. It appears that nobody paid to much attention to his warning.

This earth planet and society are very much like our human body and the mind. When the body has cancer it gives off symptoms that there is something wrong. I believe that society is giving off symptoms every day that something is terribly wrong.

In 1977 I became a clinical hypnotherapist. After working with a few thousand clients, I told a colleague that it was my opinion that the problems were going to grow up faster than we(society) could handle it. Be sides the obvious, emotionally disturbed parents, the majority of clients I had worked with came from what appears to be normal families. But inside the home there are all kinds of atrocities. Sexual, physical, but mostly emotional abuses and naturally in some cases a combination of the above. We see our neighbors go to work, take their
children to school own businesses, go to church and etc. They all look like normal constructive citizens. But when they come home and close the doors it starts. We're all suffering, in varying degrees, from the same kinds of emotional disturbances inflicted upon us by parents who for the most part don't even realize what they are doing. But the results are growing up before our eyes.

The vast majority of people turn their aggressions and anger inward and therefore suffer from all kinds of emotional self-destructive tendencies such as: suicide, drugs, alcohol, compulsions, obesity, anxiety, agoraphobia, relationship dysfunction, financial dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, needs to be the victim, Inferiority's, depression, nervous break downs, masochism, lack of self-esteem, run aways, self inflicted disease, and on and on, you get the picture. These illnesses are the ones that millions suffer from, that don't make the news. I have had great success in helping people over come many of the above problems but some have built up such strong defenses it is very difficult to break through.

The flip side, because we are a world of individuals and we all react very uniquely to our environment, is that there are those who turn their anger and aggression out on society. It is like Russian roulette as to which individuals will grow up to kill, rape, physically abuse, shoot people at school, shoot people at the work place, blow up buildings, kidnap become pedophiles (kidnap, rape and kill young children), serial killers, sadist, child molestation child beaters, snipers and on and on.

I once read a study that said; when a troubled young child is removed from its environment, it is easily treated by a professional. But when returned to its family (to the environment that created the problems) the problems returned. We as a society are constantly stressing education and this is great but how about emotional stability, self esteem self worth, self-confidence and so on.

We need to study at what age we can start teaching and training children that they are not the lies and misconceptions that they have accepted about themselves and society that have been planted in their minds by unstable environments. At what age they can accept these new positive ideas and not revert back. And we can't overlook the children that may be doing well in school. This has nothing to do with emotional stability. While this would take a major thrust, it is evident that the parents don’t have the skills or the emotional stability to do it on their own. We spend billions on all kinds programs and wars. It seems to me that at some point we could do the same on healing Societies Cancer.

The bottom line is; if we want a stable, healthy, society which in turn would give us a safe nation, it starts with a STABLE HEALTHY FOUNDATION.