Friday, January 28, 2005

Sub-conscious Control

I was reflecting today on how everyone on this planet is being run by their sub-conscious mind and all the miss-information in it and not by who we really are. The problem being is that when we are born we have no defenses from the information we receive from our parents, life, everyone around us… and every false idea that gets programmed into our sub-conscious mind is like a veil that gets thrown over the light of who we really are until a lot of us have the illusion that there’s no light there.

Everyone is walking around behaving and reacting to life from information that was programmed mostly before we became three years old. This programming becomes our god our self image. And yes I am talking about our world leaders as well. It’s kind of spooky when you think about it. Our world leaders being run by sub-conscious fears, frustration, hate, anger, hurt, sub-personalities and yes even sadomasochism in varying degrees.

We have no idea what’s really motivating us to feel, behave, pick our mates, our careers … we’re all out there social masking our feelings so others don’t see what we think and feel we are.

I believe our true goal in life is to work to free ourselves from the veils of non truth and release our own natural intuitive success drives through our highest consciousness. This takes massive action and to many of us we already feel defeated. But we can make conscious decisions to start moving forward everyday toward freedom.

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