In the early fifties I read a book by Dr. Karl Menninger called "Love Against Hate". He said that babies were not bouncing bundles of joy but potential pounds of Dynamite that can grow up and destroy others and themselves. That was over 50 years ago. It appears that nobody paid to much attention to his warning.
This earth planet and society are very much like our human body and the mind. When the body has cancer it gives off symptoms that there is something wrong. I believe that society is giving off symptoms every day that something is terribly wrong.
In 1977 I became a clinical hypnotherapist. After working with a few thousand clients, I told a colleague that it was my opinion that the problems were going to grow up faster than we(society) could handle it. Be sides the obvious, emotionally disturbed parents, the majority of clients I had worked with came from what appears to be normal families. But inside the home there are all kinds of atrocities. Sexual, physical, but mostly emotional abuses and naturally in some cases a combination of the above. We see our neighbors go to work, take their
children to school own businesses, go to church and etc. They all look like normal constructive citizens. But when they come home and close the doors it starts. We're all suffering, in varying degrees, from the same kinds of emotional disturbances inflicted upon us by parents who for the most part don't even realize what they are doing. But the results are growing up before our eyes.
The vast majority of people turn their aggressions and anger inward and therefore suffer from all kinds of emotional self-destructive tendencies such as: suicide, drugs, alcohol, compulsions, obesity, anxiety, agoraphobia, relationship dysfunction, financial dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, needs to be the victim, Inferiority's, depression, nervous break downs, masochism, lack of self-esteem, run aways, self inflicted disease, and on and on, you get the picture. These illnesses are the ones that millions suffer from, that don't make the news. I have had great success in helping people over come many of the above problems but some have built up such strong defenses it is very difficult to break through.
The flip side, because we are a world of individuals and we all react very uniquely to our environment, is that there are those who turn their anger and aggression out on society. It is like Russian roulette as to which individuals will grow up to kill, rape, physically abuse, shoot people at school, shoot people at the work place, blow up buildings, kidnap become pedophiles (kidnap, rape and kill young children), serial killers, sadist, child molestation child beaters, snipers and on and on.
I once read a study that said; when a troubled young child is removed from its environment, it is easily treated by a professional. But when returned to its family (to the environment that created the problems) the problems returned. We as a society are constantly stressing education and this is great but how about emotional stability, self esteem self worth, self-confidence and so on.
We need to study at what age we can start teaching and training children that they are not the lies and misconceptions that they have accepted about themselves and society that have been planted in their minds by unstable environments. At what age they can accept these new positive ideas and not revert back. And we can't overlook the children that may be doing well in school. This has nothing to do with emotional stability. While this would take a major thrust, it is evident that the parents don’t have the skills or the emotional stability to do it on their own. We spend billions on all kinds programs and wars. It seems to me that at some point we could do the same on healing Societies Cancer.
The bottom line is; if we want a stable, healthy, society which in turn would give us a safe nation, it starts with a STABLE HEALTHY FOUNDATION.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Water is the fountain of youth. Men need to drink 12 cups a day and women 9 cups.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Dr. Mesmer
Dr. Mesmer was doing hypnosis for healing in France in the 1600’s. But he decided to showcase it. He had these metal tubs built with metal poles attached to them and he would put metal filings in the bottom. Then he would have the people stand in the tubs and hold on to the poles. He said that the poles were aligned with the astral bodies and he had a glass wand and convinced them that when he touched them they would be animal magnetized. People would come from all over to watch it was really like a sideshow. He would guide the subjects into hypnosis through waves and passes and then he would touch them with the wand and they would react like they had been magnetized some would even go into convulsions. But he was healing a lot of people. The local doctors became irate and wanted to prove him a fraud. So the got a team of scientists together to investigate the astral bodies thing. Benjamin Franklin was part of the team. Naturally the team concluded that there was no connection to the astral bodies. And messmer was exciled and sent off as a charlatan because he tricked people into being well. But the thing they all missed was it worked. And it never made the impression that the mind could have a role to play. You see the subconscious mind does not know the difference between a real experience and a vividly imagined one. This is how we have been able to defeat cancer-using imagery. We trick the sub-conscious mind. Once you effect the belief system the sub-conscious mind goes to work getting all our healing powers working and probably using energy that we’re not even aware of. The creative mind takes over and miraculous things happen.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Transcendental Meditation
Researchers at five universities and medical centers including the Medical College of Georgia and the University Of Iowa Carver College Of Medicine tracked 202 patients with high blood pressure for up to 18 years. They found that participants who used Transcendental Meditation twice a day for 20 minutes had a 23% lower death rate from all causes and nearly a third lower death rate from heart disease than those who did not practice the form of meditation.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Free Anti-Aging Hypnoisis sessions
Hi, I'm Christen Violette. I have been a certified clinical hypnotherapist for 27 years. I have been studying how and why we age since 1980-mainly through reading case histories and witnessing how hypnosis was being very beneficial in helping to defeat physical disease at the cell level. We age at the cell level. So I am thoroughly convinced that hypnosis can cause the mind to go deep enough to reach the bodies intelligence and rejuvenate the cells. I have created anti-aging CD's using many of the techniques that have helped with physical ailments.
It's time to prove it, and that's where you come in. Believe me, the process is very safe, After working with people in hypnosis for 27 years I have never had a problem. Either it works or it doesn't. it is as simple as that. So if you'd like to look and feel younger for FREE, I am looking for people who are showing the signs of aging, but not to the point of deterioration and are good hypnotic subjects. The sessions will be one on one face to face in the Los Angeles area. So if you are interested call me at: 1-800-242-0369 ext. 3798
People who have never been formally hypnotized won't know what kind of subject they are until they're evaluated so just don't eliminate yourself.
Call me at: 1-800-242-0369 ext. 3798
Here Is Some Feedback From People
Who Have Used The CD's
Case History
Problem: A woman, who had purchased my stress relief/rejuvenation system and was living a busy life, visited an outdoor school camp where they pushed her to her limits every day on every level with little sleep. And, she had injured her back as well. She would go to bed “utterly exhausted.” Most of her fellow students woke up tired, exhausted and sore.
She listened to the Rejuvenation CD every night at the school camp before going to bed, and reported falling asleep right away and waking up refreshed every morning. She called it “a miracle”
And Listen To What Other’s Are Saying About Christen Violette’s Amazing Work:
Christen, thanks so much for your anti-aging CD. I have started using it immediately.After using it regularly for a few weeks, in addition to feeling a whole lot more relaxed and at ease, I started getting compliments from my friends, who all are noticing a marked improvement in my appearance .Everybody is asking what I am doing to look so young and vibrant.Esther Andrews, Develop Your Child's Genius
The Violette System is truly unique and powerful. I have concluded it is the system of choice for those looking for positive results. That's why I have elected to work closely with Christen Violette, a true expert and pioneer in anti-aging and stress relief programs.Andrre Berger MD., Medical Director.
Rejuvalife Vitality Institute
(At 30) I didn't feel the need to be concerned with "aging" or take any action to deal with a problem that seemed off in the distant future.
Christen Violette made me realize that taking action at any age to feel better and ensure our long-tern vitality is an absolute must. I….have felt great since using his (CD), and would highly recommend his work to anyone committed to creating lasting energy, health and vibrancy.”
Sonia Stringer, 30 Year Old Business Consultant/Coach
"Your (CD) is wonderful ... ... I have never felt so relaxed."
- Tami Lester, Former Manager, Virtual Health (A Wellness Shop)
“I have seen great and immediate benefits…I have experienced both an exceptional sense of physical and mental well-being…”
Susan Haffy, LAC, OMD, Former Manager of The Tea Garden,, Beverly Hills, CA
“Nothing holds more power over the body than beliefs of the mind.”
Deepak Chopra
Ageless Body Timeless Mind
But now I think it is time to see what is really possible, by working with people on an individual basis.
For those of you who would be interested, please call me on my answering service at:
(818) 340-1731
or email me at:
Leave your name telephone number and the best time to reach you.
If you would like to check me out further go to:
Hi, I'm Christen Violette. I have been a certified clinical hypnotherapist for 27 years. I have been studying how and why we age since 1980-mainly through reading case histories and witnessing how hypnosis was being very beneficial in helping to defeat physical disease at the cell level. We age at the cell level. So I am thoroughly convinced that hypnosis can cause the mind to go deep enough to reach the bodies intelligence and rejuvenate the cells. I have created anti-aging CD's using many of the techniques that have helped with physical ailments.
It's time to prove it, and that's where you come in. Believe me, the process is very safe, After working with people in hypnosis for 27 years I have never had a problem. Either it works or it doesn't. it is as simple as that. So if you'd like to look and feel younger for FREE, I am looking for people who are showing the signs of aging, but not to the point of deterioration and are good hypnotic subjects. The sessions will be one on one face to face in the Los Angeles area. So if you are interested call me at: 1-800-242-0369 ext. 3798
People who have never been formally hypnotized won't know what kind of subject they are until they're evaluated so just don't eliminate yourself.
Call me at: 1-800-242-0369 ext. 3798
Here Is Some Feedback From People
Who Have Used The CD's
Case History
Problem: A woman, who had purchased my stress relief/rejuvenation system and was living a busy life, visited an outdoor school camp where they pushed her to her limits every day on every level with little sleep. And, she had injured her back as well. She would go to bed “utterly exhausted.” Most of her fellow students woke up tired, exhausted and sore.
She listened to the Rejuvenation CD every night at the school camp before going to bed, and reported falling asleep right away and waking up refreshed every morning. She called it “a miracle”
And Listen To What Other’s Are Saying About Christen Violette’s Amazing Work:
Christen, thanks so much for your anti-aging CD. I have started using it immediately.After using it regularly for a few weeks, in addition to feeling a whole lot more relaxed and at ease, I started getting compliments from my friends, who all are noticing a marked improvement in my appearance .Everybody is asking what I am doing to look so young and vibrant.Esther Andrews, Develop Your Child's Genius
The Violette System is truly unique and powerful. I have concluded it is the system of choice for those looking for positive results. That's why I have elected to work closely with Christen Violette, a true expert and pioneer in anti-aging and stress relief programs.Andrre Berger MD., Medical Director.
Rejuvalife Vitality Institute
(At 30) I didn't feel the need to be concerned with "aging" or take any action to deal with a problem that seemed off in the distant future.
Christen Violette made me realize that taking action at any age to feel better and ensure our long-tern vitality is an absolute must. I….have felt great since using his (CD), and would highly recommend his work to anyone committed to creating lasting energy, health and vibrancy.”
Sonia Stringer, 30 Year Old Business Consultant/Coach
"Your (CD) is wonderful ... ... I have never felt so relaxed."
- Tami Lester, Former Manager, Virtual Health (A Wellness Shop)
“I have seen great and immediate benefits…I have experienced both an exceptional sense of physical and mental well-being…”
Susan Haffy, LAC, OMD, Former Manager of The Tea Garden,, Beverly Hills, CA
“Nothing holds more power over the body than beliefs of the mind.”
Deepak Chopra
Ageless Body Timeless Mind
But now I think it is time to see what is really possible, by working with people on an individual basis.
For those of you who would be interested, please call me on my answering service at:
(818) 340-1731
or email me at:
Leave your name telephone number and the best time to reach you.
If you would like to check me out further go to:
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Defeat cancer
I was reading where if you take a normal cell out of the body and put it in a lab dish it will reproduce about 50 times and then die. But if you take a cancerous cell out of the body and put it in a lab dish it will live without end. The thing that keeps it going is an enzyme called telomerase. It has been said that if you could turn off the telomerase the caner cells would die. So far they haven’t found a way to do it. But it got me thinking since hypnosis can control circulation, muscles, feeling and respiration through suggestion and imagery, it might be possible to defeat the telomerase the same way. It certainly wouldn’t be dangerous, the only thing that might happen is, it wouldn’t work. I know it sounds revolutionary but the possibility is, it might work. And since there is nothing to lose and we’re talking about the possibility of saving lives, it should be looked into and given a try.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Merciful Impersonality
A cricket got into our house and every night he would do his cricket thing. It was kind of annoying. But at the same time I felt kind of sorry for the guy because here he is doing his mating call every night and there were no female crickets to hear him. I saw him a few times but he was always to fast for me to get him. Tonight my wife saw him in the living room rug I could have tried to step on him but I decided to try and catch him. I got a glass and started toward him, as I did that I asked the universe to take control of him. These crickets can jump pretty far. When I got close to him he jumped but it was a little jump and when he landed I was able to put the glass over him. I put a paper towel under the glass so he couldn’t escape then took him out side and dumped him in the bushes. He probably thought he died and went to heaven because now when he does his mating call he’ll probably get answered.
I was merciful to the cricket. And I think that being merciful is good, especially when it comes to us. I believe that showing ourselves merci is important. Because every time we join in agreement that we are not good in some way, we can reinforce negative sub-conscious thoughts.
We really have to learn to be what I call: the divine observer with total impersonality. That means observing everything that is going on around us and observing ourselves without taking anything personal. This can take a lot of stress off of us and help us live longer.
I was merciful to the cricket. And I think that being merciful is good, especially when it comes to us. I believe that showing ourselves merci is important. Because every time we join in agreement that we are not good in some way, we can reinforce negative sub-conscious thoughts.
We really have to learn to be what I call: the divine observer with total impersonality. That means observing everything that is going on around us and observing ourselves without taking anything personal. This can take a lot of stress off of us and help us live longer.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Valentine's Day
I think it is really great to show love for others on Valentines Day, but I also think it would be great to give ourselves a valentine. It’s a good time of to stop and reflect about all our good attributes and give ourselves some appreciation, a pat on the back and a whole bunch of self love. We deserve it!
Friday, January 28, 2005
Sub-conscious Control
I was reflecting today on how everyone on this planet is being run by their sub-conscious mind and all the miss-information in it and not by who we really are. The problem being is that when we are born we have no defenses from the information we receive from our parents, life, everyone around us… and every false idea that gets programmed into our sub-conscious mind is like a veil that gets thrown over the light of who we really are until a lot of us have the illusion that there’s no light there.
Everyone is walking around behaving and reacting to life from information that was programmed mostly before we became three years old. This programming becomes our god our self image. And yes I am talking about our world leaders as well. It’s kind of spooky when you think about it. Our world leaders being run by sub-conscious fears, frustration, hate, anger, hurt, sub-personalities and yes even sadomasochism in varying degrees.
We have no idea what’s really motivating us to feel, behave, pick our mates, our careers … we’re all out there social masking our feelings so others don’t see what we think and feel we are.
I believe our true goal in life is to work to free ourselves from the veils of non truth and release our own natural intuitive success drives through our highest consciousness. This takes massive action and to many of us we already feel defeated. But we can make conscious decisions to start moving forward everyday toward freedom.
Everyone is walking around behaving and reacting to life from information that was programmed mostly before we became three years old. This programming becomes our god our self image. And yes I am talking about our world leaders as well. It’s kind of spooky when you think about it. Our world leaders being run by sub-conscious fears, frustration, hate, anger, hurt, sub-personalities and yes even sadomasochism in varying degrees.
We have no idea what’s really motivating us to feel, behave, pick our mates, our careers … we’re all out there social masking our feelings so others don’t see what we think and feel we are.
I believe our true goal in life is to work to free ourselves from the veils of non truth and release our own natural intuitive success drives through our highest consciousness. This takes massive action and to many of us we already feel defeated. But we can make conscious decisions to start moving forward everyday toward freedom.
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